19 Nov

Datapalooza 2021: Learning In Action

November 19, 2021 Hybrid
4:00 PM 10:30 PM
datapalooza 2021

Join the Datapalooza Conference

Datapalooza is an annual conference hosted by the University of Virginia’s School of Data Science that brings together more than 500 attendees from across higher education, industry, and the greater data science community. This year's theme "Learning In Action," is inspired by the interdisciplinary values of data science with the intention to share knowledge and build community. 

First launched in 2017, Datapalooza has evolved from a research exposition to a platform where anyone interested in data science can connect with experts and expand their knowledge and skill sets. Designed for students, faculty, professionals, and friends of data science, Datapalooza aligns with the core values of the School of Data Science—to further discovery, share knowledge, and make a positive impact on society through collaborative, open, and responsible data science research and education. 


agenda logo


11 AM - Welcome

11:15AM-12:45 PM - Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Sports Analytics for Fostering Cutting-Edge Data Science and Expanding the Community

Live Broadcasted Session

Understanding COVID-19 Outcomes by County: An End-to-End User Journey in the Cloud

Zoom Room Session

Guess Who?: Introduction to Decision Tree Analysis 

In Person Session

1-1:45 PM - Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Using Data to Land Your Data Science Job

Live Broadcasted Session

Creating Resilient Student Experiences with Heuristic Based Monitoring (hBM) Solutions While Balancing Concerns about Privacy, Ethics and Bias

Zoom Room Session

2-2:45 PM - Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Moving, Managing, and Storing Research Data Openly 

Live Broadcasted Session

Human Bias in Machine Learning

Zoom Room Session

3-4:30 PM- Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Broadening Participation of Students of Color in Data Science: Centering Creativity and Community

Live Broadcasted Session

Introduction to Koalas: pandas API on Apache Spark and MLflow

Zoom Room Session

Community-Driven Environmental Sensing: From Data Acquisition to Visualization 

In Person Session



Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you to our 2021 sponsors!

microsoft azure logoQIM logoDeloitte logoOracle for Research logoLMI logoLMI logoCapital One Logo
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